Investigador Asociado / Associate researcher
Investigador asociado
Doctor en Demografía de la London School of Economics , becario postdoctoral David Bell en Harvard T.H. Se ha dedicado a investigar los determinantes sociales de la salud desde una perspectiva de ciclo de vida, con especial interés en la relación entre las políticas sociales y la salud, al igual que el papel de los sistemas de seguridad social en América Latina. Actualmente es miembro del Swiss TPH como Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow, y actualmente es investigador asociado de la Universidad de los Andes.
Associate researcher
Phillip Hessel has a Doctorate in Demography from the London School of Economics and David Bell Postdoctoral Fellow at Harvard T.H. He has been researching the social determinants of health from a life-cycle perspective, with a special interest in the relationship between social policies and health, as well as the role of social security systems in Latin America. He is currently a member of the Swiss TPH as a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow and is currently employed as a research associate at Universidad de los Andes.