Developing evidence-based VACprevention and response policies Case Study 4

This case study presents some of the challenges and the lessons learned in the development of Violence Against Children (VAC) prevention public policies, from the perspective of the technical teams and actors directly involved. The report focuses on describing the strategies developed by the technical teams to ensure that the National Action Plan (NAP) to […]

The role of non-governmentalorganizations in the NAPdevelopment Case Study 3

This case study presents a description and analysis of the role of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the NAP development process. Two types of institutions are identified: (1) Stakeholders that work on violence prevention or provide services to victims and survivors; and (2) groups of children and youth. The case study describes the methodology used for […]

National Action Plan’s Monitoring Strategy Case Study 1

This document describes the strategy to moni-tor the National Action Plan (NAP). This strate-gy encompasses the first 15 months of its imple-mentation, from its publication in July 2021, to October 2022. To collect data, the research team interviewed key actors, reviewed existing related published documents and recordings and mate-rials of public presentations given by members […]

La huella del conflicto armado en la niñez y adolescencia colombiana

En 2022 se hizo público el capítulo “No es un mal menor” del informe final de la Comisión para el Esclarecimiento de la Verdad, la Convivencia y la No Repetición (CEV). Este documento hace énfasis en describir cómo Niños, Niñas y Adolescentes (NNA) han sido objeto de múltiples hechos victimizantes durante el conflicto armado en […]